Opportunities for Service

Being part of a community means serving in areas of need. CG Bible seeks to be involved in our community by participating in various events throughout the year.

CEF Release Time

In Oregon, children may be released from school for a short time for religious instruction. For many years, CG Bible has had volunteers for these classes. Currently classes are being held at Harrison Elementary School and Bohemia Elementary School on Wednesday mornings; volunteers are welcome to help with several needs.

Website: www.evergreencef.org

Bohemia Mining Days

Each year, the Missions Commission plans to staff a booth at Bohemia Mining Days, held the third weekend in July. Volunteers help children with a craft and share the gospel with them.

Website: www.bohemiaminingdays.org

Awana Grand Prix at WOE

The Western Oregon Exposition Family Heritage Fair is held at the WOE fairgrounds in August. For over 15 years, CG Bible has volunteered to provide the materials and staff for an Awana Grand Prix, an event where children design and build small wooden cars to race on an indoor track. We provide free materials for each child (ages 5-14) to make their own car and to be entered in Sunday afternoon’s race. Winners of the race receive trophies.

2000 North Douglas Street, Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Website: www.westernoregonexpo.com

Eugene Mission

Donations of clothing, food, and other needs are collected throughout the year and delivered to the Eugene Mission to use in their ministry to the homeless. Items may be brought to the church and placed in our Mission Box located in the foyer.

1542 West 1st Avenue, Eugene, OR 97402
Phone: 541-344-3251
Email: eugenemission.org